OCT 24TH, 2013 : Canadian Senate : The Future : ICE: The following is a copy of Kwa'mutsun Nation information submission to House of Commons Party Leaders in Opposition :

Ralph-Charles Goodwin <touchstonecommittee.chair.rcg@gmail.com>
10:50 AM (57 minutes ago)

to elizabeth.may, thomas.mulcair, justin.trudeau, Union, Cree, Darla, Idle, Jessica, SM, Toriann, B, B, J, M, M, P, R, S, APTN, news.desk, newsonline, BC, Indigenous, International, Hul
PLEASE, SCAN the article below with mouse to highlight links : note : relevant, Senate Scandal 2013, AddendumCredentials Challenge, http://quamichanstatenation.blogspot, 1613 Two Row Treaty, Victoria and First Peoples Day, ICE, Hudson's Bay Company Charter and The Vancouver Islands, James Edward Fitzgerald. 1849, First Nations Seek To Reclaim Mount Doug, Go Tell It To The Mountain, Be It Doug Or Pkols, CSQQN, TSAWOUT : addendum : Land Titles
Dear Members of Canada's Parliament
Leaders : Green Party, New Democratic Party, Liberal Party
This document was originally submitted on May 27, 2013
... We re-submit it today as a very relevant : Senate Scandal 2013
Addendum : Since the initial submission, there has been the Credentials Challenge to the UN; and, the information submission to the European Union re : The Canada-Euro Trade Agreement (as below):
Dear EU : Thank you for noting that Prime Minister S. Harper of Canada does not possess legitimate state nation credentials to permit him to enter into a trade agreement with the EU. For clarification please review the following submission 2013 to the UN (http://quamichanstatenation.blogspot.ca/p/csqqn-declaration.html) Regards, RCY Goodwin, Kuw'utsun Nation Shqwi'qwal

Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 1:11 PM
Subject: Fwd: Reply to your question Consilium InfoPublic (from 18/10/2013)
To: Goodwin RC <goodwinrc.hq@gmail.com>

Dear Mr Goodwin,
Thank you for your email of 18 October.
We have read your message and taken note of its contents.
Best regards
Public Information Service
Directorate general F - Communication and Transparency
General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union
E-mail: www.consilium.europa.eu/infopublic
(Please fill in the electronic form.)
Tel: 00 32 2 281 5650
Fax: 00 32 2 281 4977
Internet: www.consilium.europa.eu"

Replacing the current Canadian Senate with "ICE" would resolve the current expenses debate; and, would respect the 1613 Two Row Treaty; and, would bring indigenous Peoples across Canada into the 1763 Royal Proclamation : This would show "siem'stum / respect - which is over due; and, may help resolve the 2009 Indigenous Day Scholars 60,000-person class action.
Good Day, Elizabeth May, MP
On this matter I have recently posted a comment at CBC that I include herein for your perusal:
"A careful reading of historical documents in London reveals that there is no legal merit to the claim of constitutional "Canada". The Two Row Wampum / Gus Wen Tah (Peace, Trust, Friendship) Protocol carries a revocation clause. Nevertheless, the Canadian Senate is due for revision. Original Peoples have submitted that this "August" body could be replaced by "ICE- the Indigenous Council of Elders". "siem'stum" is hulquminum for "respect". Hence, changing Victoria Day to the petitioned "Victoria and First Peoples Day" has some merit ... BUT, let us first resolve this outstanding issue of "settled equals conquered". Regards, shqui'qwal Yuxwuletun / ADDENDUM : The Hudson's Bay Company Charter was not endorsed by the UK Parliament; and, therefore, was null and void after 1697; and, no agreements entered into by Indigenous Peoples with this HBC would meet any standard of legal merit [HBC could not sell its "assets" to the evolving constitutional Canada]"
The document to read on this matter of the HBC Charter is found at the "Hudson's Bay Company Charter and the Vancouver Islands" / James Edward Fitzgerald, 1849.
Regards, Ralph Goodwin
Peace, Trust, Friendship
cc : CSQQN
cc : Tsawout / Eric Pelkey
cc : Federal NDP Leader, Federal Liberal Leader : Members of Parliament
